Are you allowing a cancer to grow and spread on your team?

Now more than ever employers are keeping people on their team that they know should be gone. 

Simple. They’re scared. 
They're scared that the work won’t get done.
They won’t be able to replace them.
What employers are failing to recognize is that by leaving that person on the team is forming a cancer. 
A cancer that will spread to one individual at a time. 
A cancer that will ultimately cost them more than just that one person. 
But in fact, several of their employees. 
Instead of having just one person’s work to absorb, they have 2, 3, 5 or 10 peoples work to absorb.

Not only that, you’ve damaged your culture.
And the problem compounds. 
Ultimately leaving them worst off then if they would’ve stopped the cancer from spreading in the first place. 
If you think you had a problem before, now you really have a problem.

Employees that once:

Showed up, fully engaged and ready to work
Were creative, problem solving geniuses 
Drove innovation
Worked as a team
Modeled the Values of the organization
Were passionate for the work that they did and who they did it with

And were once advocates for your company turn into naysayers.
Don’t wait. 
Kick the cancer in the butt. 
Stop it from spreading. 
Your other employees will:
✅ Rise to the challenge 
✅ Be willing to take on the work of 1 vs multiples
✅ Be an advocate to finding the right talent to replace that one bad seed
✅ Perform with more vigor and dedication
And they will thank you for it. 👏🏻👏🏻
But first it starts with you stopping the cancer from spreading.

Who are you allowing on your team?

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