“Do As I Say, Not As I Do.”

Most executives’ biggest obstacle is a lack of awareness of their blind spots.

I see this all the time. Right now, it’s the time of year employees conduct self-assessments to be used as the basis for annual reviews in January.

But what about executives?

If you’re not assessing your leadership, it’s a huge missed opportunity for you and your organization.  As there may be some landmines that people are dancing around because you're "the boss". But by taking a look in the mirror, really taking a look.

It will help you:
-Build upon & leverage your strengths
-Learn what your team, peers and leaders want more & less of
-Understand how you’re perceived (often different than what you think)
-Assess how you “show up” as it relates to the core values/behaviors of the organization

You don’t know what you don’t know.

To discover what it really takes to transform your team’s results, starting with you as their leader…

Check out my free training: 3 Steps to Turn Underperformers into High Performers 

You’ll learn what you need to:
👉Maximize productivity & employee engagement
👉Build a team you can trust to execute the work, even if you’re away
👉Invest your time in leading vs. doing
👉Build a place where people want to come to work
👉Attract & retain top talent

Yes, employees need to assess their performance, but so do you as their leader.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we revived this executive leader's revenue in under one year. 

Download your free copy of this 15-page case study which breaks down the exact steps we took to shift Dan from flatlining revenue to generating 1 2 NEW $1M+ clients per month, all while losing 25 LBS.