Do you have adders or subtractors in your business….and life?

Do you have adders or subtractors in your business….and life?
One of the commitments I made to myself this year is that if something wasn’t bringing me joy, I would either remove it or stop doing it.
That intention has been at the source of my decision making.
❌ Said no to potential clients that I didn’t align with
❌ Removed things from my home
❌ Removed people from my business and life
❌ Said no to activities that I’d normally say yes for FOMO
And it hasn’t been a simple task.
I’ve lost some people in my life.
I’ve lost business.
But I’ve gained so much more than I lost.
I have:
🙌 Grown my business exponentially
👯 Hired two people to support me
❤️ Love of the people I’ve hired and the clients I work with
🏡 Love of my space and surroundings
🗒 Love of my business
And more importantly, I have more joy! 🤣
If it’s not adding or multiplying your life or business, it can only do one thing. Subtract from it.
Look around you, what’s subtracting from your life and business that needs to be removed?
Removed for you to:
✅ Grow your business
✅ Hit those KPI’s
✅ Live your life with more joy
I’m in the business of adding to my life. What business are you in?

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