If it was easy…everyone would do it

If it was easy…everyone would do it
For those of you that don't know me well - I’m a runner.
That definitely wasn’t always the case.
So much so, I had a dr excuse from middle school on that allowed me to get out of gym entirely. 
I had “bad knees” 
I ate well and I was blessed with great genes (thanks Dad!).
In my mid-30’s when I was at the hit the breaking point.
I was working 70-80 hours, launching two new sites onshore and offshore, traveling 80% of the time and if that weren’t enough - I was going through a divorce.
Since I had a treadmill at home, I started walking.
Walking soon became jogging.
Jogging became running.
It was the place I let out all the stress.
And had at least 30 minutes to myself.
And so began my running journey.
7 years later, I ran my first (and only) half marathon. 
Becoming a runner wasn’t all fun and games. I had body aches and pains to prove it.  
It took:
Hard work
And daily practice. 
I had to continuously build my muscles. 
Know my strengths.


My weaknesses (hello hills).
My journey in running is a lot like ones in leadership.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
It requires every single aspect that I described in my journey to become a runner.

It’s not for the faint of heart.

And what a person does on a daily basis gets them ready no matter what the goal.

If it were easy, everyone would be a runner. But they’re not.
Nor is everyone a leader.

What are you doing on a daily basis to prepare you for the goal?

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