Leadership Isn't About The Money

If you’re in leadership for the money…you may want to reevaluate
Leadership isn’t about
ⅹ Your title
ⅹ Money
ⅹ Ego
Or quite frankly anything that has to do with you.
Being a leader is about:
✓ Creating a vision so clear that everyone wants to jump on board
✓ Motivating and inspiring your team
✓ Coaching and developing them
✓ Making the tough decisions that impact people’s lives
✓ Being responsible and accountable
✓ Holding others accountable
✓ Strategic thinking
✓ Communicating, communicating, and communicating some more
✓ Empowerment
✓ Trust
✓ Integrity (your intention, speaking, and actions are all aligned)
And so much more.
If you’re not in it for that, your results will
show it.
And your time as a leader will be short-lived.
It's ok to be an individual contributor.
We need excellence in those roles too.
AND I’ve seen incredible individual contributors making loads more money than someone in a leadership position.
Leadership is something far beyond money.