How Your Leadership Reflects What You Stand For

How Your Leadership Reflects What You Stand For

In my recent engagements with new clients, a common thread emerged.

A seemingly simple question left them stumped: What are your values?

They quickly realized they hadn't truly thought about it.

How you lead a team is a reflection of your values, whether you realize it or not.

If one of your values is FAMILY, you’ll likely have more life-work balance structure to ensure you and your team have time for family.

You might strive to create a family-like bond within your team.

If you value INTEGRITY, it’s likely an implicit expectation you have of your team.

Integrity is often synonymous with 'acting right when no one's watching,' but what if it means more to you? Like:
1 - Intentionality
2 - Open communication
3 - Consistent actions

Without clear values, you're left with 'unspoken expectations,' potentially leading to biases.

Unconscious bias can creep in when others' values don't align with yours.

Remember, values are deeply personal.

Not everyone will hold 'family' on a high pedestal.

Setting such an expectation can lead to continuous misalignment.

Are your values crystal clear to you?

Really, are they?

Think about your top 5 values.

List them in order of importance.

Then define what each value *means* and *looks like* to you.

Invest time in clarifying your values.

They will serve as your compass, guiding the choices you make and the way you behave.

Which ultimately determines your success - at work and home.

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