The Key to Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Leadership

The Key to Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Leadership

Any excuse will do when you’re looking for one.

But it’s just that - an excuse.

I saw it during Covid & I see it happen all around me.

“I can’t work out, so I gained the Covid 20.”

Who hasn’t heard this?

I heard this from a handful of executives during the pandemic.

Here’s the thing:

When Covid hit, like most people, I couldn’t go to the gym nor did I have a treadmill at home.

It was raining and cold, but I found a way to run.

I ran in my parking garage.

I’d run past neighbors practicing their golf swing or yoga with a friend.

Next time you catch yourself thinking, “I can’t…” shift your mindset to what you CAN do.

The same is true whether you’re experiencing a hiring problem or whether you don’t have enough time to do x, y or z.

But there are thousands of quality candidates if you look for them. I spoke with a leader recently who’s testing a pilot program to cross-utilize people they already have.

Or there are veteran and disabled communities that are often overlooked.

Everyone has the same amount of time in the day. Start looking at where you’re utilizing your time.

And many more possibilities.

When you shift away from the “I can’t” mindset, your realm of possibilities expands and you realize the box you thought you were trapped in never existed.

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