Why Planning and Preparation Isn't Always Enough

Why Planning and Preparation Isn't Always Enough

“Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance”

This quote was drilled into me for years.

And as much as I’d love to say it was true.

Last week, I came to terms with the fact that you can plan all you want.

You can prepare all you want.

And things will happen that are completely out of your control.

For me - it was the stomach flu.

I couldn’t have known that I wouldn’t be able to:

Take client calls
Write or post my weekly LinkedIn content
Send out contracts
Send out invoices
Go to the grocery store
Respond to emails

There was no amount of planning.

Or preparation that could account for that.

As leaders, we have to be willing to:

Know what’s within and outside our control
Be flexible
Communicate when things go awry
Take ownership
Be responsible
Leverage support (thanks for the Gatorade mom)

And finally, give yourself and your team grace.

Proper planning and preparation are necessary.

And we need to recognize that all that planning and preparation may not be enough to prevent poor performance.

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