The detrimental mistake organizations make that is costing them

Each year organizations create goals for the year.
Then those goals are passed down in the organization.
The goals are put in a system or on paper.
And as the year goes along employees and leaders get engrained in the day-to-day activities.
Only for one of two things to occur:
The goals aren’t revisited. 🤐
If they are, they’re merely a status update or talking point.  🗣
In either case, the results at the end of the year are typically the same.
The goals aren’t met.
And everyone is shocked.  😳
There’s no accountability. 
Without accountability, why would anything change?
There’s no skin in the game.
There are no consequences to missing the targets.
And so the cycle continues.
If you want to break the cycle it requires you to:
✅ Continuously revisit your goals throughout the year
✅ Identifying if you’re on track or missing the mark
✅ Coach your teams
And hold them accountable. 🙌
Without accountability, you may see small improvements but nothing close to what you could with it. 
Accountability is an honor. An honor for them, for your team and organization.

How are you holding your teams accountable?

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