What are your structures that have set you up for success?

What are your structures that have set you up for success?

Do you even know?

When I initially became a leader of people, I didn’t have a structures in place for myself.

I didn’t even know what that meant or looked like.

I would wing it.

And as a result:

My day was chaotic. 
My week was chaotic.
My team was chaotic.

And things rolled down hill very easily.

Until I recognized what I was doing wasn’t working. 

How my behavior was impacting my team and organization.

With that awareness, I had to do things differently.

Try new and different ways of doing things.

Look around me to see what worked (and didn’t work) for other leaders around me.

Experiment to identify what worked and what didn’t.

And once I found my structures - It became my formula.

Every morning I did the same thing:

Woke up
Checked email and had coffee 
Worked out
Checked email again
Got ready and headed to the office

Arriving at the office I:

Checked in with my team - personally and professionally 
Was made aware of any challenges - where they needed help
Assisted them
Then checked email and started my day

I always allowed for that time with my team to begin my day.

I followed these when I in the office or traveling (which was a significant amount of time).

Those structures set me up for success.

It was proven.

Those structures transitioned when I became an entrepreneur.

With a few small adjustments of course.

Having those in place, also lead to me being a successful entrepreneur.

When we don’t have those structures in place, it’s easy to get off course. 

What structures have you created that have led to your success?

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